
Studnet表: 三列:id,name,age

create table TeacherStudent(id int not null,tid int not null,sid int not null);

2) teacher and student:(一個(gè)老師可能有多個(gè)學(xué)生,一個(gè)學(xué)生可能有多個(gè)老師)

qixy有兩個(gè)學(xué)生:liyaohua and fuwenlong, huanglaosh老師有一個(gè)學(xué)生--->fuwenlong

INSERT INTO TeacherStudent (id,tid,sid) VALUES(1,1,1);

INSERT INTO TeacherStudent (id,tid,sid) VALUES(2,1,2);

INSERT INTO TeacherStudent (id,tid,sid) VALUES(3,2,2);


select * from Teacher t,Student s,TeacherStudent ts where t.name='qixy' and t.id=ts.tid and s.id=ts.sid;

| id | name | id | name      | age  | id | tid | sid |
|  1 | qixy |  1 | liyaohua  |   25 |  1 |   1 |   1 |
|  1 | qixy |  2 | fuwenlong |   26 |  2 |   1 |   2 |


select * from Teacher t,Student s,TeacherStudent ts where t.name='huanglaosh' and t.id=ts.tid and s.id=ts.sid;

| id | name       | id | name      | age  | id | tid | sid |
|  2 | huanglaosh |  2 | fuwenlong |   26 |  3 |   2 |   2 |


select * from Teacher t,Student s,TeacherStudent ts where s.name='fuwenlong' and t.id=ts.tid and s.id=ts.sid;


| id | name       | id | name      | age  | id | tid | sid |
|  1 | qixy       |  2 | fuwenlong |   26 |  2 |   1 |   2 |
|  2 | huanglaosh |  2 | fuwenlong |   26 |  3 |   2 |   2 |


select name from Student where id in (select sid from TeacherStudent  where tid in (select id from Teacher where name='qixy')) ;


| name      |
| liyaohua  |
| fuwenlong |


1)qinghua has zhangsan and lisi as its teachers. bawei has jiangfengli and taokun as its teachers.

2)yinjian taxi company has zhangsan and li as its employees. Abc taxi company has wangwu and zhaoliu as its employees.

3) 多對(duì)多:hospital system:

Doctor(d) and patient(p)

d1--->p1, d2---->p1,d1--->p3

4) student can check his score for some course.